
procrastination station

Some people have the innate drive and self-motivation to confront their assignments head-on and conquer them in a methodical, unyielding fashion. I have a 10-page research paper (due Friday) acting as an infinitely dark cloud obscuring my typically sunny disposition. So what have I been doing with my days? Well, my apartment is immaculate. My laundry is done. I even scanned and submitted credit card verification to re-enable my online poker account. I'm confident I've also plumbed the internet to unfathomable depths. The upside? I've discovered some pretty cool stuff. The downside? This paper is a growing beast, and each day adds a little more water.

Here's some of the stuff my procrastination has uncovered:

1. New Music. Here are a few recent addictions:



2. Youtube Videos

Little Man, the Way Girls Are: Very amusing (and certainly true) Danish short film.

3. Articles

An informative history of the "Cougar":

And of course, the hopelessly redneck GatorBike (made with real alligator, mind you):

4. Ideas

It only takes one great idea to make you a multi-millionaire, and I may have had mine. Outsourcing is the business world's buzzword du jour, so why not take it a little further...outsource pregnancy. Women from developed nations don't want the burden and career-killer of lugging around a gestating fetus for 9 months (followed by maternity leave, of course). I propose a company that combines the requisite "components" from wealthy, career-minded couples, finds an appropriate surrogate in an impoverished third-world country, and makes magic happen. The couple gets their child, and the surrogate gets first-class prenatal care and several thousand dollars (which likely exceeds their annual income tenfold). Hey, who said pregnancy wasn't a full-time job?

Friday can't come soon enough.

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