
denmark- the grand arrival


Oh Copenhagen, how could I not love you? Your classic European architecture, immaculate harbor-fronts, grand opera house, and Bjorn Borg underwear hit me in all the right places. Coming out of the metro stop at Kongens Nytorv made me feel like I'd never left. There was still the opulent Hotel D'Angleterre right past the steps, with its 3 Danish flags bristling in the breeze. Jan's hot dog cart stood on its familiar corner, with the usual group of tourists around it wondering just how bad for you a bacon-wrapped bratwurst covered in mayo could be. Welcome home.

We arrived on Saturday, so Monday was spent walking around the city dealing with administrative matters and cleaning up after the abominable business school administration. The errands were far from golden, but at least the city provided a silver lining: every sidestreet, every wrong turn is unique and photogenic. Not to mention I've been trying for ages to find a restaurant that, in my opinion, truly encapsulates the Danish gastronomic experience. Thanks to my jaunt around the town, I found one.

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