
denmark- the dawn of FSM

Well introduction week began for my program on Friday, and through the events so far I've been able to discern a few things about my program:

1. I go to a modeling school. Everybody in this program looks like they jumped out of a Ralph Lauren catalogue. Names include: Magnus, Lars, Fabio, Christian, Cristian, Kristian, Fabian, Frederik and Ben.

2. Danes love to drink. Every social event includes alcohol...teambuilding exercises, dodgeball, sunbathing at the beach, even bowling.

3. I'm the only American. The American, as the Danes say. Let's hear it for preconceived socio-cultural stereotypes...

I found a place to live, although I can't move in until September 1st. As you can see, brand new, lots of space, clean. It works for me!

Music: Kanye- Good Life

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