
letters to my critics

Regarding my disastrous Milestone interview:

Hi Ben,
Thank you for the meeting last week. I have chosen to offer the positions to two other applicants which fitted the needs we have better.

Having said that I am impressed with you, your studies, experience and results and hope we will get a chance to work together one day. I will hand over your papers to our HR Department in case a student worker is needed elsewhere in the organization.

Good luck with your studies.

Best regards,
Martin Kaufmann

Dear Martin,
I assure you the pleasure was all mine. I'm a bit disappointed, I thought I fitted your needs like the finest pair of fitted slacks. You've certainly demonstrated throughout our correspondance that your organization has plenty of people which have flawless English grammar. No need for me.

Having said that, I'm impressed with your company's ability to overlook prime talent. Thanks for flushing my papers into your HR black hole, I'll hold my breath waiting for their call.


Regarding a dinner with Morgan Stanley:

Dear Ben,
Thank you for application to join Morgan Stanley for our "Danish Summer Internship Dinner" at Restaurant FIAT. There was a high level of interest from students with many applications received for a limited number of slots and on this occasion, we regret to inform you that we are unable to take your application further.

Please be assured that your application to this event will not affect any future applications you make to Morgan Stanley should you wish to apply and we encourage you to consider Morgan Stanley's programmes that you are eligible for. For further information about Internship programmes please visit our website at

May we thank you for your interest in Morgan Stanley and wish you every success in your future studies.

Best Regards,
Henrik Brodsgaard

Dear Henrik,
I'm glad you undertook the arduous task of reviewing my credentials. Sorry you are "unable to take my application further," but though I may not have the intellect to join your ranks in battle, I do have the fortitude to withstand straight talk. Your euphemistic tone is condescending and insulting.

One peculiarity about your letter, the invitation to apply for a Morgan Stanley internship, provoked a question: If you've deemed me unqualified to join you for dinner, why the hell would you consider putting me on your company's payroll? I think I'll save us both some effort and assume I'm just not as elite as your organization. Time is irreplaceable, and you may be certain that I will waste none further pursuing a position with your company.

Warm regards,

Regarding a position with ATP Real Estate:

Dear Ben Jones,

Thank you very much for your application for the job as Student Analyst at ATP Real Estate. I am sorry to tell you, that we have chosen not to continue with your application.

We wish you good luck with your further job search and thank you for the interest you have shown to ATP Real Estate.

Best Regards,
Katrine Mørch

Dear Katrine,
Sorry I'm not good enough, but thanks for offering the most straight-forward and professional rejection letter I've received to date. I'm becoming quite the connoiseur in analyzing these and yours was about an 8.5. Thanks for being direct, sincere, and effective.


I can take rejection.
But how many times does someone have to say you're not good enough before you start to believe it?

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